We are headed to Sesame Place! We are very happy to say that Scout has no idea what Sesame Street is or who Big Bird is for that matter. We are going because what is better then a water park for Sesame Street age kiddos?!
There always seems to be a lot of talk in the unschooling world about video games and TV..talk about how much they teach and how great they are. We choose a different path.
ONE reason for staying out of school is to learn through experience...by living in the learning, seeing it happen first hand, being part of it. Not sitting in a classroom being told about it or just reading it in an outdated text book. TV and video games are somewhat like that...we believe, anyway.
Scout has no idea who Big Bird, Bert, Ernie or Cookie Monster...what?! no more Cookie Monster...its Veggie Monster now. I didn't even know that until some one told me yesterday. But, she does know a lot of characters. We can hike in the woods and she will identify lots of things she sees there, mushroom, moss, pine cone, acorn, chipmunk, squirrel, hawk, lichen, robin, bluebird,chickadee, I could go on.
Maybe someday she will be interested in TV and video games..if so we will honor her choices. But for now we will continue to show her the wonder of the world and hope that passion stays with her...we know she has it now.
The photos on this post are a snippet of her life in the month of July, it is a normal month for us. Filled with wonder and adventure...and nature.
Scout, "do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail".