Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Secret Garden

What is more exciting then a secret place all your own? A place in the forest, just far enough away to feel like your on an adventure with no grownups in sight? A place for giggles and creating  and dreaming and playing and friendships. A place made more special because you built it such a place became a reality.

Scout's Secret Garden

gear loaded and ready to go

the troops head out

 a dump find will be a focal point in the garden

teamwork gets the job done

team Secret Garden gets to work

they are small but MIGHTY!

YES, he did that all by himself!

Their hard work pays off

they are already planning a camp out! Stay tuned


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring growth...HorseKids style

Spring is a time of growth. The HorseKids are blossoming as well! 

They are, of course, physically growing taller. But that is not all I see. There is a new pony and 2 children are learning to partner up with her.... their second partnership.  

They work great together in pairs and groups. Older ones always helping and teaching the younger.

Pride from a boy and love from a thankful pony (look at those attentive ears!).

The "little" HorseKids may still be small in stature but they are big on capability!

Taking care of their own equipment and 

 riding alone with reins.

Graduating to trail riding without a sidewalker,

is the dream of all the children when they begin. Today one little girls dream came true as she rode the trails with her friends for the first time without a side walker.

Spending time with friends they have missed.

Reconnecting with each other.

Life is Good!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter Hike with Friends

I haven't posted in a long time! We have been enjoying all the snow...and recently took a hike with friends. 

imaginative play, a big boulder and big imaginations!

Queen of the hill!

Big jumps building big confidence!

After we talked about what kind if tree this was, and the others, they set out to try to climb them all.

Heading out to find the secret woodland fort!

 Fun with friends in the woods...
Life is Good!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rescued Pony

A Pony Saved


This time it is really going to happen! I discovered the last place I tried to rescue from AC4H was actually a scam. My previous post is still up, my message is still important. Please look at it and if you have "liked" them on facebook you should unlike and not continue to share. 

I have found End of the Line for Horses who are legit. I have bailed out this wonderful 18 year old girl who is supposed to be very well trained. So sad that she was probably a wonderful friend to many children and worked hard for them.It breaks my heart that these soulful creatures end up in this situation after all they gave.

This girl, like the rest of our creatures, will never have to worry about that again. She is coming home to the Ranch. We decided to bring a pony home because there are so many HorseKids that are all riding our current pony angel Tonto. Now Tonto will have some help carrying all those precious children. Now Scout and her friends will be able to ride together instead of taking turns. So many of them are either riding independently or about to. It will be so wonderful for Scout to have riding buddies. This year HorseKids could go to barrel races with us and the new pony. 

The culture we are establishing at our home for Scout includes some amazing people and of course horses. We plan on horses being a big part of our homeschooling future to include trips and travel on horseback. There are a few children that I already see potentially being part of that and we want the momentum to keep moving forward. 

This new pony will allow that momentum to keep traveling. If you are able to contribute to help get her home and help make sure she gets any needed care when she arrives we, and the children, would be so grateful. Every little bit helps. Please share this post through your social media. We will also be needing some help with labor here at the Ranch to get her quarantine area set up as well as a few other important projects related to her coming home. 

Please Chip In if you can.....Please Share....Thank you