Monday, May 26, 2014

Archeological dig in Sandwich, MA

A local homeowner thought his house was built in the 1800's. After starting some remodeling hand hewn beams were revealed. An archeologist was brought in and it was discovered that half of the home dated back to 1650! Digging around the yard did not reveal anything older then the. 1800's. The archeologist thought about the placement of the home. It was very close to the current road and there was a large pond behind the home on the distance. There was a little knoll right near the pond... The perfect spot for 1600 settlers to build a home. Immediately they found artifacts in the first sample hole dug on the knoll. They have been working this site for 4 years now and gave uncovered the original hearth, foundation walls and many artifacts.  Today we assisted in actual digging at the site and in our square we found pieces of brick, window glass and charcoal! Scout dug and sifted for almost 2 hours . 

The current house as it looks today, with additions.

The carved Lincoln drape. Many Lincoln supporters put this up after Lincoln was assassinated. This home was once owned by a former slave.

Excavation site, hearth in the middle front

Pieces of pottery that has been found 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring art and creativeness

Art started in nature today. Watching a tufted titmouse building her nest in a dead standing tree.
She has found the perfect location...

She sets out in search of nest material...

Her lucky babies will have a soft mossy bed....

She spends the morning collecting and arranging.

Into the barn for some necklace, headband, superhero cape crafting.....all the while discussing nest building.

Several years ago Scout and I built a life size nest. Check it out here. Now each year we add to it after pruning bushes in the yard.

Stennis is tuckered out!!! 
Life is Good!!