Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Geocaching Myles Standish State Forest

I found a great app for geocaching. Punch it up wherever you are in the world and it shows you where the caches are. All the spots have great descriptions and comments so you can choose the best terrain and difficulty for your family. You can use the app to navigate if you don't have a GPS.

We always use anytime in the woods as an opportunity to discuss getting lost and finding our way. She always wear's a whistle and in her pack today is an emergency snack, extra mittens, socks and hat, a plastic bag and water.

We didn't have any trouble finding the treasure. This treasure was survival themed. Everyone can take something from in the box but must leave something else. Scout chose a survival bracelet and she left a ball and stick of chalk.

Before returning to the car we have a snack of fruit leather and hot cider. Staying warm is achieved most easily by fueling yourself from the inside.

The forest is a maze of criss-crossing trails. She knows to stop at each one and be observant and look for signs and trail markings to be sure and choose the correct way.

A little mouse was here, munching on grass seeds under the protection of the snow.

We talk about the best place to shelter if needed. Out in this field is not a good choice, to windy!

The boys are really enjoying the day!

A woodpecker has been at this dead tree. Evidence is scattered all over the bottom of the tree.

Frequently looking back, a trick my gram taught me when I was little. When returning you will be able to pick out familiar landmarks along the trail to help guide your way.

Read more here  about the pine barrens of Myles Standish State Forest. Here are the white pine and pitch pine common here. We spent some time comparing their difference's.


The remnants of a pine cone where a little critter stopped to snack. We gathered these up to bring home to decorate our winter faerie garden.
Her emergency whistle.

There is room in the pack for collecting faerie garden items!

Monday, January 27, 2014


After a storm we always love to go out and search for tracks to see who is spending time in out woods.

Daisy will be her ride for this snowy excursion.

On the look out for tracks

Mouse tracks...jump into the snow...reappear on the surface again...tracks.

Lots of bird tracks

The chicken who decided to sleep in a tree instead of the coop did not survive...and owl maybe?

Thank you girl!

Pre Blizzard hike

We do a lot of hiking these days. Today we walked 1 mile to my PT and then made the 4 mile journey through the woods home. A blizzard was on the way so the snow began falling on the stroll through the forest.
As long as you are wearing the right clothing you can stay put a long time and enjoy all the seasons.

Big hill conquered!

Natures playground offers a surprise around every turn! HUP

"Thank you Mother Earth for this great playground", Scout.

Watch out for the hiking Ninja!