Monday, September 24, 2012

Progress....on their own

HorseKids are getting bigger! And more accomplished! 
I love having kids here, helping them realize their amazing potential. I provide the horses, art medium, forest, play places and belief in them. If they want to do it, I let them. If they want to learn it, I will help them. Mostly I want them to realize that they can do and be anything they want....they must only believe and be willing to never give up!

Take a look at this cutie. She has a  lot of passion and desire to ride. She is always right there when when I ask for volunteers. Today she she had an amazing milestone. These happen without much notice. I usually see a moment arriving and just let it unfold. This day she took Tonto and asked how to lead Tonto with her bridle. She was doing perfectly so I let it flow.


She had seen the big kids mount from the spools without anyone holding their horse. I told her to do it. She did it, I just stood back and documented the whole thing!

Of course she did it! With a little help from one amazing pony who will always help out a rider who shows her the respect she deserves.
Off into the, I haven't touched Tonto. She is doing this all on her own. The smile says it all!

 When she was done riding she returned to the yard and dismounted without help. Her first completely independent go cowgirl!

Meanwhile the "big kids" are doing chores. Completely without adult supervision they get it done!

 Kind hearted Little.

Other mom's are here, it is a combined effort. Today magic Faerie wands are being built when they are not riding.

The new playscape is in place and new adventures are happening right away!

Here come the "big kids"...completely unassisted fun with horses!

Fun with dogs!!

Then we finish the day with a workout race!


frog jumps

crossing bars

pull ups

slide to the finish!
Just another awesome day at HorseKids!