Friday, April 15, 2011


I have just completed my first radical unschooling conference. We had a blast. I have always known we would be radical unschoolers...even before we knew there was a label for it. We have learned from this experience that there are many styles. Not that I am surprised about that, it is to be expected. What we did find here was that they style represented at the conference was not really ours. Our style is to do it with nature, with minimal impact on the earth. I know there are others like us. At this conference I did speak of it and one mother approached me afterwards and thanked me for my comment. She thought she couldn't be an unschooler, she wasn't relating to this style. She realized she could be one, one like us. So I am starting this blog to connect to the others like us...I know you are out there. Welcome

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever read Soulemama's blog? They are unschoolers, and although her blog isn't primarily about that it does come up and I think you will find you have a lot in common with their lifestyle as well, especially if you look up her posts on homesteading/farming.
